Legendary Cardiovascular, Orthopedic, and Custom Clinical Applications.

Consensus has been providing reliable clinical applications for the world's most reputable healthcare institutes for 30 years and counting! Legendary cardiovascular applications are deployed in North America and Europe. These applications are now available as non-client HTML applications.

  • VascuPro™ is the industry gold standard vascular reporting software.
  • VascuBase™ documents vascular procedures and endovascular interventions with built-in powerful instant outcome analysis tools with many publications referencing VascuBase™.
  • EkoPro™ is a comprehensive reporting software for the cardiac lab.
  • ConOrtho™ is a comprehensive orthopedic outcome analysis application with a state-of-the-art PROMs automation module. ConOrtho™ captures all the data elements of the AAOS Registries, e.g., AJRR, FTR, MsTR, SER, Spine, etc. We also develop custom clinical web applications using Microsoft and Linux technologies.